Tuesday, September 6, 2011

please help me.

hello everyone, i'm sorry for not posting for a very long time. i could use your help though. i was with my friends seth & maddy lucas tonight showing them around denver. we were talking about how hard it is to continue with art after graduating school, something i have certainly felt. we decided one of the best ways to keep up with creating is to work on a series, that way the series will help push your work along (that's the hope at least). so, i'm starting a new series & that's where you come in.

i did a watercolor series a little while back in which i chose a line or two from every song from the debut album for Taking Back Sunday, "Tell All Your Friends" you can see that series here to see a little clearer what i mean. well, i would like to do this again. i need your help though, as i'm not sure which album to choose next. i have five choices for you, and i need you all to decide, leave your vote as a comment, and when i've decided its done, i'll tally up the votes and which ever wins will be the base for my next series. thanks so much for your help.

the choices are as follows (in no particular order)
1. We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes - Death Cab For Cutie
2. Deja Entendu - Brand New
3. Re-Arrange Us - Mates of State
4. The Photo Album - Death Cab For Cutie
5. Four Minute Mile - The Get Up Kids


  1. I vote 1, cause you always sing things from that one, right?

  2. Graduate school helps postpone that situation.

  3. Wow.... all really good albums. But I'm going to have to go with Deja Entendu, as it wraps me up in sentimentality.f

  4. you already know that i am going to choose the get up kids. :)

  5. Moment Bends - by Architecture in Helsinki. Don't be a homo. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP beep

  6. I was going to say Get up kids, but I think you could do something really cool with mates of state, so I pick that one.

  7. Deja Entendu

    Go Brady! Go Brady! Go!

  8. dejadejadeja

    My second choice is Mates of State.

  9. I like this idea. I'm definitely never inspired to ACTUALLY do any art, but every once in a while I think of a good theme or something like this. ANYWAY... For some reason I happen to have neither of those DCFC albums but I'll vote for... ok after a tiny bit of research I vote...


  10. spencer votes Get Up Kids.
    jaidyn votes Brand New.
    but we both vote that your stuff is really, really sweet!

  11. I agree with Mates of State, I think that they're lyrics are really fun and unique, and lend well to your style. Plus they're currently playing and it might relate to more people.

  12. deja entendu is near and dear to my fifteen year old heart, and would serve as something good.
